SLAPI: Step By Step Guide

Docker Install & Run

There are several ways to do this via Docker, this is the quickest options. The rake tasks will generate a bot.local.yml for you at ./config/bot.local.yml

Note All files in the ./config are ignored by git and docker builds with the exception of bot.yml and environments.yml. However the docker compose will mount the ./config file to the bot. So bot.local.yml will still work but will not be saved.

  • Option 1: If ruby and rake are installed

    rake docker
  • Option 2: If only Docker Machine & Compose is installed

    • Create a config and Start Bot
      • Create the following config at ./config/bot.local.yml

          type: slack
          token: $SLACK_TOKEN
        # Bot ConfigFile
          name: slapi
        # Admin Settings
        admin: # Future Feature
        # Help Settings
          level: 1
          dm_user: false
          location: '../../config/plugins/'
      • Linux Only: Just run docker, no Compose (Will be fastest docker option, but less secure)
        docker run -d -p 4567:4567 -v /path/to/slapi/config/:/usr/src/slapi/config -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name slapi slapi/slapi
      • For Prebuilt: Run Docker Compose Up (More secure option, but plugins respond a little slow)

        docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
      • For Fresh Build: Run Docker Compose Up (More secure option, but plugins respond a little slow)

        docker-compose -f slapi-build-compose.yml up

Next Steps

Go to the Common Start for more

Tags: framework